What We Do
At Halcyon Dental, we understand the fear and discomfort many people experience when visiting the dentist for treatment. If a dental appointment causes you severe anxiety and stress, our compassionate team is here to help. We offer sedation dentistry, allowing you to go through your visit in a relaxed state while still being aware of your surroundings. Our experienced staff work hard to make sure that each patient feels safe, protected, and comfortable during their appointment – no matter how fearful they feel entering our office. We believe that everyone deserves quality dental care without having to be nervous or scared throughout their treatment process.

To make the experience easier for you, we have a simple process. First, we offer you a free consultation to evaluate your needs. Together, we will determine your oral health goals and assess the appropriate level of sedation that will be needed to accomplish those goals. We will also review any radiograph images together to identify any major or obvious issues that should be addressed. If you don’t have any recent radiographic images, we will take a complementary panoramic radiograph at this visit.
Depending on your needs, you will be offered oral, intravenous(I.V.), or both options for your dental procedure. The form of sedation that we offer is called conscious sedation. This is the same type of sedation that most people experience when they have “twilight” sedation, usually during minor surgical and invasive diagnostic procedures. Its use in the dental setting has an incredible safety record, and medically speaking, most people who can undergo routine dental care can also receive conscious sedation very safely.